Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cisco Switch Network commands for confiuration

Basic Commands For Cisco Switch network Configuration

In this article I will introduce the Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS) command line interface (CLI) for the 2960 series switch. You will need to logon to a switch and become familiar with the different levels of access on the switch. You will also become familiar with the commands available to you in each mode (user or privileged) and the switch help facility, history, and editing features.

User vs. Privileged Mode

User mode is indicated with the > next to the switch name. You can look at settings but can not make changes from user mode. In Privilege mode, indicated by the #, you can do anything. To get into privilege mode the keyword is enable.


To view all commands available from this mode type:?This will give you the list of all available commands for the switch in your current mode. You can also use the question mark after you have started typing a command. For example if you want to use a show command but you do not remember which one it is, use the ? as this will output all commands that you can use with the show command.

Configuration Mode

From privilege mode you can enter configuration mode by typing config term command you can exit configuration mode type type end or +z

Configuration of Cisco 2960 Switch

To practically implement these command either create a simple topology on packet tracer or download this topology.
Example topology for basic switch commands

Now click on any switch and configure it as given below
To know all available command on user exec mode type ? and press enter
Exec commands:
    [1-99]         Session number to resume
    connect        Open a terminal connection
    disconnect     Disconnect an existing network connection
    enable         Turn on privileged commands
    exit           Exit from the EXEC
    logout         Exit from the EXEC
    ping           Send echo messages

[Output is omitted]
Three command can be used to logout from terminal use any one

Switch con0 is now available

Press RETURN to get started.
Show version command will tell about the device platform and detected interface and ios name

Switch#show version
Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASE-M), Version
12.2(25)FX, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 12-Oct-05 22:05 by pt_team
ROM: C2960 Boot Loader (C2960-HBOOT-M) Version 12.2(25r)FX,
System returned to ROM by power-on
Cisco WS-C2960-24TT (RC32300) processor (revision C0) with
21039K bytes of memory.
24 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
2 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

[Output is omitted]
show mac address command will show all detected mac address dynamically and manually
Switch#show mac-address-table
          Mac Address Table

Vlan    Mac Address       Type        Ports
----    -----------       --------    -----

   1    0001.643a.5501    DYNAMIC     Gig1/1
Run time configuration of ram can be any time by simple show run commands
Switch#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 925 bytes
version 12.2
no service password-encryption
hostname Switch

[Output is omitted]
To view startup configuration [ Stored in NVRAM] use show start command
Switch#show startup-config
Current configuration : 925 bytes
version 12.2
no service password-encryption
hostname Switch

[Output is omitted]
show vlan command will give the detail overview of all vlan configured on switch
Switch#show vlan

VLAN Name                      Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -----------------------
1    default                   active    Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4
                                         Fa0/5, Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8
                                         Fa0/9, Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12
                                         Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16
                                         Fa0/17, Fa0/18, Fa0/19, Fa0/20
                                         Fa0/21, Fa0/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/24
[Output is omitted]
show interface command will show all detected interface with their hardware description and configuration
Switch#show interfaces
FastEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Lance, address is 0060.2f9d.9101 (bia 0060.2f9d.9101)
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec,
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
  Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
[Output is omitted]
interface vlan 1 is used to assign ip address and default gateway to switch. Show interface vlan 1 will give a over view of vlan1.
Switch#show interface vlan1
Vlan1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
  Hardware is CPU Interface, address is 0060.5c23.82ae
   (bia 0060.5c23.82ae)
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 1000000 usec,
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
  Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
  ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00

[Output is omitted]
delete command is used to delete all vlan configuration from switch Don’t add space between flash and vlan.dat Run this exactly shown here adding a space could erase flash entirely leaving switch blank
Switch#delete flash:vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]?
Delete flash:/vlan.dat? [confirm]
%deleting flash:/vlan.dat
Startup configuration can be removed by erase commands
Switch#erase startup-config
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files!
Continue? [confirm]
Erase of nvram: complete
%SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram
use configure terminal command to go in global configuration mode
Switch#configure terminal 
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Now change default switch name to switch 1
Switch(config)#hostname Switch1
Set enable password to vinita and secret to nikki
Switch1(config)#enable password vinita
Switch1(config)#enable secret nikki
Set console password to vinita and enable it by login command, order of command is important set password before you enable it
Switch1(config)#line console 0
Switch1(config-line)#password vinita
Enable 5 telnet session [ vty0 - vty4] for router and set their password to vinita
Switch1(config)#line vty 0 4
Switch1(config-line)#password vinita
Now set switch ip address to and default gateway to
Switch1(config)#interface vlan1
Switch1(config-if)#ip address
Switch1(config)#ip default-gateway
Set a description finance VLAN to interface fast Ethernet 1
Switch1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1
Switch1(config-if)#description finance VLAN
By default switch automatically negotiate speed and duplex but you can adjust it manually
Switch1(config-if)#duplex full
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1,
 changed state to downSwitch1
(config-if)#duplex auto
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to up
Switch1(config-if)#duplex half
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1,
changed state to down
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to up
Switch1(config-if)#duplex auto
Switch1(config-if)#speed 10
Switch1(config-if)#speed 100
Switch1(config-if)#speed auto
mac address table can be wiped out by clear commands
Switch1#show mac-address-table
          Mac Address Table

Vlan    Mac Address       Type        Ports
----    -----------       --------    -----

   1    0001.643a.5501    DYNAMIC     Gig1/1
Switch1#clear mac-address-table
Switch1#clear mac-address-table ?
  dynamic  dynamic entry type
Switch1#clear mac-address-table dynamic
To restart switch use reload command [ running configuration will be erased so copy it first to startup configuration ]
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Switch con0 is now available
Press RETURN to get started.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Install and Configure Python in Windows Server 2008/2003 (IIS 6.0 or 7.0)? 1. Install Python

1. Install Python

Go to Python official website and download the latest Windows installer (.msi). Follow the screen and install it.

2. Configure IIS Web Service Extensions

Open Start -> Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click "Web Service Extensions" and add a new web service 'C:\Python25\python.exe -u "%s" "%s"'.

3. Configure Website to Enable Python

Go to website that you want to eanble Phyton. Right click the website and go to Properties > Home Directory > Configurations > Mappings. Add a new script mapping ".py" with 'C:\Python25\python.exe -u "%s" "%s"'.

4. Test Python

Write a test file and test it out. Everything should work now.

        print 'Status: 200 OK'
        print 'Content-type: text/html'
        print ''
        print '

This is a header

' print '' #this is a comment print 'See this is just like most other HTML' print ' ' print ''

5. Configure Control Panel (Optional)

If you have a control panel for your server, you may need to configure it as well. Below is a sample for Helm control panel.



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Use policy to control bluecoat ProxySG administrator access

 If you would like to control administrator access to the ProxySG Management Console and CLI, you can create policy to configure administrator access privileges.

Using policy rules, you can require administrators to identify themselves by entering a username and password and specify whether read-only or read-write access is given. You can make this policy contingent on IP address, user name, group membership (if credentials were required), and many other conditions.

This solution assumes you have already configured users and groups for authentication (using RADIUS, LDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, or other authentication servers) and created a realm on the ProxySG to connect to these servers.

Procedure to follow

To create policy for ProxySG administrator access:

1. Launch the Visual Policy Manager.
2. Create an Admin Authentication layer (Policy > Add Admin Authentication Layer ).
3. In the Admin Authentication layer, specify the authentication realm that will be used to authenticate administrative users of the ProxySG:
* Right-click in the Action column and choose Set.
* Select New > Authenticate.
* Select the authentication mode and realm. (See ProxySG Authentication Modes.)
* Close the dialogs.
4. Create an Admin Access layer (Policy > Add Admin Access Layer).
5. In the Admin Access layer, define who is allowed to access the ProxySG:

* Right-click in the Source column and choose Set.
* Select New.
* Select the entity (for example, Client IP address/subnet, User, Group) and configure the specifics.
* Close the dialogs.

6. Specify the type of administrator read/write access:

* Right-click the Action column and select Allow Read-only Access or Allow Read/Write Access.

7. By default, the policy applies to any service (HTTP/HTTPS in the Management Console and SSL in the CLI). If you want to control access to just the MC or just the CLI:

* Right-click in the Service column and choose Set.
* Select New > Service Name.
* Select the service you want the rule to apply to (HTTP-Console, HTTPS-Console, or SSH-Console).
* Close the dialogs.
8. Install the policy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

setup DHCP Server and Dynamic DNS with BIND in Debian

This will explain Howto setup DHCP Server and Dynamic DNS with BIND in Debian.

Preparing you system

First you need to install DHCP,BIND servers using the following command

#aptitude install dhcp3-server bind9

This will complete the installation.

This is the network configuration of our DHCP/DNS server we are using for our tutorial
Hostname :
WAN interface (eth0) : mask
LAN interface (eth1) : mask
Default gateway :

First, we need to tell the DHCP server to only run on eth1 you need to edit the /etc/default/dhcp3-server file using the following command

#vi /etc/default/dhcp3-server

enter the following line save and exit file.


Configuring DHCP Server Configuration

/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf :

This is the DHCP server configuration.

When a computer requests network information from the DHCP server, the DHCP will update the DNS zones

- : the zone that will map hostnames to IP address
- : the zone in charge of reverse lookups

ddns-domainname is the domain name that the DHCP server will try to update in the zone. For example if my computer is named mycomputer, it will try to upload the zone with

That option is absolutely needed if you have several domains in the “option domain-name” field (the “search” domains that will be in /etc/resolv.conf), or it could try to add the hostname to the zone.

If you only have one domain in the “option domain-name” field, you can go without ddns-domainname as it will upload the zone with the domain specified there.

ddns-update-style interim;
include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";

zone {
key "rndc-key";

ddns-domainname "";
option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers;
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
option ntp-servers;

default-lease-time 86400;
max-lease-time 86400;


log-facility local7;

subnet netmask {


# DNS zones to update
zone {
key "rndc-key";

zone {
key "rndc-key";

Bind Server Configuration
/etc/bind9/named.conf :

Make sure the file contains the following :

include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";

You should not change that file, as you will specify your options in two other files.

/etc/bind9/named.conf.options :

Your options.

The zone files will be stored under /var/cache/bind/

The queries for unauthoritative domains will be forwarded to You can put the DNS provided by your ISP there (or put the DNS from

options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";

query-source address * ;

forwarders {;

recursion yes;

version "REFUSED";

allow-recursion {;;;

allow-query {;;;


/etc/bind9/named.conf.local :

This will contain your zone declarations

### options #########

include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";
controls {
inet allow { localhost; } keys { "rndc-key"; };

### "static" zones #########

zone "" {
type master;
file "";

zone "" {
type master;
notify no;
file "db.172.30.200";

### dynamic zones (updated by DDNS) #########

zone "" {
type master;
file "";
allow-update { key "rndc-key"; };

zone "" {
type master;
notify no;
file "db.172.30.201";
allow-update { key "rndc-key"; };

Now let’s focus on DNS zones.

In this example we have several zones :

- : static zone (like servers with static IP’s)
- : dynamic zone, updated by DHCP when a computer gets an IP from it
- 172.30.200 : static zone (servers, etc.), which is not updated by DDNS
- 172.30.201 : dynamic zone, will contain information about machines using DHCP

My advise to split the static zones from the dynamic zones, DDNS has a tendency to mess up the zone files, which make them barely readable and manageable.

/var/cache/bind/db.172.30.200 :

$TTL 86400    ; 1 day    IN SOA (
200806299  ; serial
28800      ; refresh (8 hours)
7200       ; retry (2 hours)
2419200    ; expire (4 weeks)
86400      ; minimum (1 day)
253            IN PTR
254            IN PTR

/var/cache/bind/db.172.30.201 :

$TTL 86400    ; 1 day    IN SOA (
200806327  ; serial
28800      ; refresh (8 hours)
7200       ; retry (2 hours)
2419200    ; expire (4 weeks)
86400      ; minimum (1 day)

/var/cache/bind/ :

$TTL 86400    ; 1 day    IN SOA (
200806327  ; serial
28800      ; refresh (8 hours)
7200       ; retry (2 hours)
2419200    ; expire (4 weeks)
86400      ; minimum (1 day)
server            A
router            A
ns            A

ntp            CNAME
smtp            CNAME


$TTL 86400    ; 1 day        IN SOA (
200806341  ; serial
28800      ; refresh (8 hours)
7200       ; retry (2 hours)
2419200    ; expire (4 weeks)
86400      ; minimum (1 day)

Now, make sure the zones will be writable by the user “bind” and restart the services :

# chown bind. /var/cache/bind/*

# /etc/init.d/bind restart

# /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart

On a computer on the network :

As root :

Edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and set :
send host-name "mycomputer";

Now request an IP :
# dhclient eth0

Let’s imagine the computer has received the IP

You should see on the server’s syslog that the DNS zones have been updated.

- is now bound to
- will return

From your computer, you should be able to verify the zones have been updated properly :

$ nslookup mycomputer


$ nslookup
Address:    name =

You don’t need to type the whole thing since it will lookup for either :
- if the previous wasn’t found
- mycomputer if the previous two were not found

This actually means that if you lookup, it would try to resolve first, then, and finally

You can avoid those unnecessary lookups by adding a dot to the end of the hostname you are trying to resolve :

# nslookup

This is the purpose of the search domains in /etc/resolv.conf

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Upgrade Cisco IOS in a Router or a Switch

upgrading IOS on Cisco routers and switches is hightly recommendable because of the following reasons
Patch critical vulnerabilities: Just like any other network device or application, Cisco routers and switches are also prone to security holes. And because routers and switches are critical to network infrastructure, you should plug these security holes as soon as possible.
Incorporate new features: Unless an update is simply a bug fix, every new release of the Cisco IOS includes new features. Upgrading your routers and switches in a timely manner means you’ll have more features to potentially make your job easier.
Stay current: “Staying current” with the latest IOS may sound like a flimsy justification to upgrade, especially when you consider your daily task list. However, when you consider the many different tools that communicate with the router’s IOS, staying current can take on a new importance. For example, if you’re using a SNMP network management tool, it may require your router to run a certain version of the IOS.
Follow this procedure if you want to upgrade cisco IOS
NOTE :- Before doing any upgrades plesae take a complete backup of your cisco device configuration for safer side
Download the Correct version of Cisco IOS for you from here
Write Unsaved configurations
ciscorouter# write memory
Building configuration…
Check space on Flash Memory
ciscorouter# show flash
Make sure you have the space left on your cisco device.
Backup Startup Configuration
Setup a TFTP server in the same IP range as the Cisco device to backup the configs, IOS image and also for later to upload the new IOS image.
testrouter# copy startup-config tftp
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [startup-config]?
1278 bytes c opied in 0.100 secs
Backup Current IOS Image
testrouter# copy flash: tftp:
Source filename []? xxxxx-xx-xx.121-x.XB
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [xxxxx-xx-xx.121-x.XB]?
Now, Load the new IOS image from the TFTP onto the flash
ciscorouter#copy tftp: flash:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-40.SE.bin
Destination filename [c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-40.SE.bin]?
Accessing tftp://…
Loading c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-40.SE.bin from (via Vlan1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 8295106 bytes]
8295106 bytes copied in 124.571 secs (66589 bytes/sec)
Now you need to make sure you are booting with the correct version of IOS image for this you need to use the following command to set.
testrouter(config)#boot system flash:/c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-40.SE.bin
Now you need to reload the Cisco Router
testrouter# reload
After rebooting cisco device with the new Cisco IOS image you need to make sure this use the following command
testrouter# sh ver
That’s it now we are using the latest IOS on your cisco device

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Configuring Cisco IOS

Configuring Cisco IOS
General Information

Routers come with different memory sets:

    Shared RAM
    RAM (routing tables and data structures)
    Flash (IOS)
    NVRAM (Configuration files)


    To select boot source: boot system flash/rom/filname IP-address
    To erase router configuration: write erase
    To display current configuration: sh conf (from NVRAM) or wri term (from RAM)
    To configure router: conf term (or mem, or net) Remember to type CTRL-Z to leave configuration mode
    To configure interface: 
    int e0
            ip address
            no shutdown
    To show interface status: sh int e0
    To save configuration: wri mem
    enable password = password is shown in clear text when displaying configuration
    enable secret = password is shown encrypted when displaying configuration
    To set number of virtual terminals and password:
    line vty 0 4
            password access
    To disable name lookup: no ip domain-lookup
    To avoid assigning IP address to ethernet port for P-2-P connection:
    int s0
            ip unnumbered e0
    To configure route: ip route
    When connecting two routers with a cross-over cable, "clockrate 64000" is only needed on the router acting as DCE
    Password Recovery Procedure for the Cisco 2500 router:
    Password Recovery Procedure for the Cisco 1600 router:
    Do not use Hyperterminal to connect to Cisco routers through the Console plug
    Configuration register is 0x2102 for Cisco 2500 models, 0x102 for Cisco 1600 models
    To save the flash/NVRAM image on a remote TFTP server: #copy tftp flash
    To download a new IOS image into the router from a remote TFTP server: #copy flash tftp
    To update IOS:
        Install Cisco's TFTP Server
        Copy the new image with extension .bin into the TFTP Server's directory
        Launch the TFTP Server
        Connect to the Cisco router through the Console port, switch to admin mode, and type copy flash tftp. Follow the on-screen instructions to

        Note: under W2K, you might to add an extra ".bin" as file extension in addition to the default .bin extension

        Instead of "copy tftp flash", try "copy tftp: flash"
    To list images availables in flash memory, run "dir"
    To disable source-routing: no ip source-route
    Domain name and DNS server: ip domain-name ip name-server ip name-server
    To configure AAA user authentication. aaa new-model aaa authentication login lista tacacs+ enable


Note: (CHECK) You cannot remove just one line from an existing ACL instruction, as this removes the entire section from IOS. You must type the entire section to add or remove one instruction.

Note: Watch out for the order of instructions in ACLs, as they are processed from top to bottom, ie."deny ip any any" followed by "allow tcp any any" means that a user will not be able to connect using a TCP-based application since the first line is interpreted first.

    access-list 110 permit tcp any eq smtp
    access-list 110 permit tcp any eq pop3
    access-list 110 permit tcp any eq 110
    access-list 110 permit udp any any eq 137
    access-list 110 permit udp any any eq 138
    access-list 110 permit udp any any eq 139
    access-list 110 permit icmp any any
    access-list 110 deny ip any any!


IOS debugging messages use the same "facilities" for identification. They are, however, formatted differently than error messages, beginning with a timestamp followed only by the "facility" and the debug message output. IOS error and debug messages follow the Unix syslog severity format (0 emerg to 7 debug). Messages appear in the IOS reporting output action depending on the severity level defined.

The IOS provides four output actions for viewing system event and error data. Console logging is activated by default. In its default configuration, all (severity level 7, debugging) message data is sent to the router's console port (line con0). This approach is similar to Unix, where error and event data is sent to /dev/console or /dev/tty0. To disable console logging, use the configuration mode command . Sending logging data only to the console port may seem odd, since most interaction is done using vty sessions, but the console port can be connected to a terminal server, which buffers the message data or a serial line printer (just like Unix) that can print out event messages. While esoteric, these two methods of data collection were quite acceptable for many years and they are secure from a networking perspective since the data is sent via serial to a locally attached display device (just remember to lock the door).

To view system messages over a vty session (line vty 0 - 4), monitor logging must be configured. To view logging data, the enable exec command is run to activate logging output to the vty. To enable monitor logging, use the configuration command . The monitor logging option is the most practical method for viewing logging events in real time. It is highly recommended that you establish two vty sessions, one for displaying event reporting data, and the other for command execution. Often, when troubleshooting or running a debugging sequence, a large amount of logging data is generated. This obscures the vty with logging output, making command entry quite difficult at times. Once terminal monitoring is enables on a vty, it cannot be disabled (unless the logging monitor service is disabled using the configuration command ).

Local storage of logging messages on the router is also available via buffer logging. Since most routers do not have a hard disk, messages are saved in a DRAM buffer. While buffer logging does not directly affect the router's performance, it does consume memory. However, if your router is short on memory, you may see performance issues with processes that need memory if your logging buffer allocation is too large. To verify your router's memory configuration, use the enable exec command which will provide a variety of operational facts about your router, including the amount of DRAM allocated for packet buffers and the amount allocated for operational processes (i.e., routing tables, CEF tables, etc.) To see if you are having memory allocation issues, use the enable exec command . A reasonable buffer allocation is 64k; the "history" logfile is a rotating one, which overwrites the last log entry when the size limit has been reached. To configure buffered logging use the following configuration commands:

    Godzilla-ABR(config)#logging buffered notice
    Godzilla-ABR(config)#logging buffered 64000
    Godzilla-ABR(config)#logging history size 250

The above configuration sets the buffer size at 64k and sets the history count at 250 messages. To view the buffered logging data, use the exec command . This command performs two functions; it reports on the configuration of the router's various reporting display actions, and outputs the logging buffer history (if buffer logging is configured).

To send system messages to a remote syslog host, ;TRAP logging needs to be configured as a reporting output action. Remote reporting has two big advantages over local reporting.

    History and archiving: Storing logs remotely shifts the burden of storing log output to a device with an actual file system and cheap ample storage. This provides the option to keep large-sized log files and/or the ability to archive and store log files.
    Data Manipulation: Once the log data is on a system with tools that can manipulate it, log data can be used to generate and syndicate some very interesting and valuable reports, as you will see later with the SNMP scanner report script.

Configuring TRAP logging is a four step process:

    Define a syslog host using the configuration command .
    Define the logging severity of the messages to be sent using the configuration command .
    Define the IP address that will be associated as the origin address of the logging messages. This is set using the configuration command .
        The final step defines the syslog "facility" that the messages are sent to on the remote syslog server. Use the configuration command . Here is a trap reporting configuration example that uses the Loopback interface as the report origin address:

        Godzilla-ABR(config)#logging trap informational
        Godzilla-ABR(config)#logging source-interface Loopback 0
        Godzilla-ABR(config)#logging facility local2

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cisco 3600 Series Routers (with PCMCIA cards) Upgrade Procedure

Cisco 3600 Series Routers (with PCMCIA cards) Upgrade Procedure

    Establish a console session to the router
    Verify the amount of free space on the Flash memory card (PCMCIA slot)
    Verify that the TFTP server has IP connectivity to the router
    Copy the new image into the Flash memory card through the TFTP server
    Set boot statements to load the new image upon startup
    Reboot the router to load the new image
    Verify the upgrade

Step 1: Establish a console session to the router

See Establish a console session to the router for more information.

Note: Once connected to the router through the console port, if you get a ">" or "rommon >" prompt, your router is in ROM monitor (ROMmon) mode. If the router is showing the "router (boot)>" prompt, then the router is in boot mode. See booting problems for steps to handle either of these situations.

Step 2: Verify the amount of free space on the Flash memory card (PCMCIA slot)

At this point, you need to verify that you have enough space in the Flash memory card to copy the new image. If there is not enough memory, you need to delete some files to make enough space. In some situations, if the image is very large, you may need to delete the current image in the Flash memory card.

To determine the amount of free space, and to show files currently located in slot0: or slot1:, issue the dir{device:} command.

    3600#dir slot1:
    Directory of slot1:/

      1  -rw-     2779832    c3640-i-mz.113-11c.bin
      2  -rw-     3748760    c3640-i-mz.120-22.bin

Verify that the name and the file size are correct.

If you find that there is not enough space, you can delete the file. The delete{device:}[filename] command deletes the file.

    3600#delete slot1:
    Delete filename []? c3640-i-mz.113-11c.bin
    Delete slot1:c3640-i-mz.113-11c.bin? [confirm]y

Note: Do not reload or powercycle the router if there is not a valid image in the Flash; this causes the router to boot into rommon or bootmode.

Step 3: Verify that the TFTP server has IP connectivity to the router

The TFTP server must have a network connection to the router and must be able to ping the IP address of the router targeted for a TFTP software upgrade. To achieve this, the router interface and the TFTP server must have:

    an IP address in the same range, or

    a default gateway configured

To verify this, check the IP address of the TFTP server.

Step 4: Copy the new image into the Flash memory card through the TFTP server

Now that you have IP connectivity and can ping between the computer acting as a TFTP server and the router, you can copy the image into the right slot.

Note: Before copying, make sure you have started the TFTP server software on your PC and that you have the filename mentioned in the TFTP server root directory. We recommend that you keep a backup of the router/access server configuration before upgrading. The upgrade itself does not affect the configuration (which is stored in nonvolatile RAM -NVRAM). However, this may happen if the right steps are not followed properly.

For RCP applications, substitute RCP for every occurrence of TFTP. For example, use the copy rcp {device:} command instead of the copy tftp {device:} command.

If necessary, you can copy an image from one device to another.

    3600#copy tftp: slot1:
    Address or name of remote host []?
    Source filename []? c3640-i-mz.122-7b.bin
    Destination filename [c3640-i-mz.122-7b.bin]?
    Accessing tftp://
    Erase slot1: before copying? [confirm]n !--- Here you are specifying "n"
                               !--- because there is enough memory available.
    Loading c3640-i-mz.122-7b.bin from (via Ethernet1/0):
    [OK - 5996844/11993088 bytes]

    Verifying checksum...  OK (0x13F0)
    5996844 bytes copied in 67.708 secs (89505 bytes/sec)

Use the dir slot1: command to check whether the image has been copied to slot1. Below, you can see that the new image c3640-i-mz.122-7b.bin has been copied on the PCMCIA slot1:

    3600#dir slot1:
    Directory of slot1:/

      2  -rw-     3748760    c3640-i-mz.120-22.bin
      3  -rw-     5996844    c3640-i-mz.122-7b.bin

Step 5: Set boot statements to load the new image upon startup

After copying the image through TFTP, you may need to tell the router which image to load upon boot up.

Checking Current Boot Statements

At this point, the new image is now in the slot1. You need to set the router to boot the new image. By default, the router boots the first available image (the default is enabled when there are no boot statements in the configuration).

    3600#show running-config
    Building configuration...

    Current configuration:
    version 12.0
    service timestamps debug uptime
    service timestamps log uptime
    no service password-encryption
    hostname 3600
    boot system flash slot1:c3640-i-mz.120-22.bin
    ip subnet-zero

The commands appear at the begginning of the configuration. In our example above, it shows the router has a boot system command configured as boot system flash slot1:c3640-i-mz.120-22.bin.

If you have boot system command entries in your configuration, you need to remove them from the configuration. For more information on removing boot entries, refer to the next section.

Removing Previous Boot Statements

To remove the commands, enter into configuration terminal mode. From the configuration mode, you can negate any command by typing "no" in front of each boot statement. The following example illustrates the removal of an existing boot statement.

    3600#configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
    3600(config)#no boot system flash slot1:c3640-i-mz.120-22.bin

The statement "no boot system flash slot1:c3640-i-mz.120-22.bin" is removed from the configuration. Verify that the command has been removed by issuing the show running-config command.

Setting New Boot Statements

Now set the router to boot the new image. Issue the following command to set the boot system parameter:

    boot system flash slot#:{imagename} (imagename = name of the new Cisco IOS software image)

    3600#configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
    3600(config)#boot system flash slot1:c3640-i-mz.122-7b.bin
    3600#write memory
    3d01h: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty0
    Building configuration...

Be sure to verify that you are using config-register 0x2102 by issuing the show version command. If it is set up differently, you can change it by issuing the following command in configuration mode:

    3600#configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
    3600(config)#config-register 0x2102

After changing the config-register, the change takes place at the next reload.

Step 6: Reboot the router to load the new image

For the router to run the new Cisco IOS software image, you need to reload the router. Make sure you have saved the configuration by issuing the copy running-config starting-config or write memory commands.

    3600#write memory
    3d01h: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty0 (
    Building configuration...

Step 7: Verify the upgrade

After the router comes up, make sure you are currently running the new version of code, by issuing the show version command.

    3640#show version
    Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
    IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-I-M), Version 12.2(7b), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Mon 04-Mar-02 20:23 by pwade
    Image text-base: 0x600089A8, data-base: 0x60A6A000

    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(19)AA, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (f)

    Router uptime is 2 minutes
    System returned to ROM by reload
    System image file is "slot1:c3640-i-mz.122-7b.bin"

    cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 59392K/6144K bytes of memory.

    Processor board ID 10524422
    R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0
    Bridging software.
    X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
    4 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
    DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
    125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
    4096K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
    20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
    20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot1 flash (Read/Write)

    Configuration register is 0x2102

Verify that the version 12.2(7b) is correct and the config-register is set to 0x2102.
 Page last updated on: 05/19/2007 09:53:42
 All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.