You configure all router properties by including statements in the configuration. A statement consists of a keyword, which is fixed text, and, optionally, an identifier. An identifier is an identifying name that you define, such as the name of an interface or a user name, and that allows you and the CLI to discriminate among a collection of statements.
The following list shows the statements available at the top level of configuration mode (that is, the trunk of the hierarchy tree). describes each statement.
Possible completions:
> accounting-options Accounting data configuration
+ apply-groups Groups from which to inherit configuration data
> chassis Chassis configuration
> class-of-service Class-of-service configuration
> firewall Define a firewall configuration
> forwarding-options Configure options to control packet sampling
> groups Configuration groups
> interfaces Interface configuration
> policy-options Routing policy option configuration
> protocols Routing protocol configuration
> routing-instances Routing instance configuration
> routing-options Protocol-independent routing option configuration
> snmp Simple Network Management Protocol
> system System parameters
An angle bracket (
) before the statement name indicates that it is a container statement and that you can define other statements at levels below it. If there is no angle bracket (
) before the statement name, the statement is a leaf statement; you cannot define other statements at hierarchy levels below it. A plus sign (+) before the statement name indicates that it can contain a set of values. To specify a set, include the values in brackets. For example:
user@host# set policy-options community my-as1-transit members [65535:10 65535:11]
In some statements, you can include an identifier. For some identifiers, such as interface names, you must specify the identifier in a precise format. For example, the interface name
refers to a SONET/SDH interface that is on the FPC in slot 0, in the first PIC location, and in the first port on the PIC. For other identifiers, such as interface descriptive text and policy and firewall term names, you can specify any name, including special characters, spaces, and tabs. You must enclose in quotation marks (double quotes) identifiers and any strings that include the following characters: space tab ( ) [ ] { } ! @ # $ % ^ & | ' = ?
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