Monday, October 4, 2010

Enter Configuration Mode

ou enter configuration mode by entering the configure operational mode command.
The following configuration mode commands are available:
user@host> configure 
entering configuration mode
user@host# ? 
Possible completions:
<[Enter]>                  Execute this command
  activate                 Remove the inactive tag from a statement
  annotate                 Annotate the statement with a comment
  commit                   Commit current set of changes
  copy                     Copy a statement
  deactivate               Add the inactive tag to a statement
  delete                   Delete a data element
  edit                     Edit a sub-element
  exit                     Exit from this level
  help                     Provide help information
  insert                   Insert a new ordered data element
  load                     Load configuration from an ASCII file
  quit                     Quit from this level
  rename                   Rename a statement
  rollback                 Roll back database to last committed version
  run                      Run an operational-mode command
  save                     Save configuration to an ASCII file
  set                      Set a parameter
  show                     Show a parameter
  status                   Display database user status
  top                      Exit to top level of configuration
  up                       Exit one level of configuration

The access privilege level required to enter configuration mode is controlled by the configure permission bit. Users for whom this permission bit is not set do not see the configure command as a possible completion when they enter a ? in operational mode, and they cannot enter configuration mode. Users for whom this bit is set do see this command and can enter configuration mode. When in configuration mode, a user can view and modify only those statements for which they have access privileges set. For more information, see Configure Access Privilege Levels.

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