Thursday, October 14, 2010

Display the Current Configuration

To display the current configuration, use the show configuration mode command. This command displays the configuration at the current hierarchy level or at the specified level.

user@host> show <statement-path> 

When displaying the configuration, the CLI indents each subordinate hierarchy level, inserts braces to indicate the beginning and end of each hierarchy level, and places semicolons at the end of statements that are at the lowest level of the hierarchy. This is the same format that you use when creating an ASCII configuration file, and it is the same format that the CLI uses when saving a configuration to an ASCII file.
The configuration statements appear in a fixed order, and interfaces appear alphabetically by type, and then in numerical order by slot number, PIC number, and port number. Note that when you configure the router, you can enter statements in any order.
You also can use the CLI operational mode show configuration command to display the last committed current configuration, which is the configuration currently running on the router:
user@host> show configuration 

If you have omitted a required statement at a particular hierarchy level, when you issue the show command in configuration mode, a message indicates which statement is missing. As long as a mandatory statement is missing, the CLI continues to display this message each time you issue a show command. For example:
user@host# show
protocols {
    pim {
        interface so-0/0/0 {
            priority 4;
            version 2;
            # Warning: missing mandatory statement(s): 'mode'

Examples: Display the Current Configuration

Display the entire configuration:
user@host# set protocols ospf area interface so-0/0/0 hello-interval 5
user@host# show 
protocols {
    ospf {
        area {
            interface so-0/0/0 {
                hello-interval 5;

Display a particular hierarchy in the configuration:
user@host# show protocols ospf area
interface so-0/0/0 {
    hello-interval 5;

Move down to a level and display the configuration at that level:
user@host# edit protocols ospf area
[edit protocols ospf area]
user@host# show 
interface so-0/0/0 {
    hello-interval 5;

Display all of the last committed configuration:
user@host# set protocols ospf area interface so-0/0/0 hello-interval 5 
user@host# commit 
commit complete
user@host# quit
exiting configuration mode
user@host> show configuration
protocols {
    ospf {
        area {
            interface so-0/0/0 {
                hello-interval 5;

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